Saturday, 29 April 2017


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Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with songs. Know ye that the Lord is God; he made us , we belong to him, we are his people the flock of his sheepflock. Come within his gates giving thanks,to his courts 
singing praise, give thanks to him and bless his name.(Psalm 100:1-4)

Brethren, I welcome you all to these wonderful reflection by Christian Ukaegbu

The word “Thanksgiving” is indeed a grateful language unto Yahweh (God). This portrays a high sense of worship. It is a blessing and upliftment for us when we practicalize our sense of gratitude to God and humanity because this singular act of praise or appreciation adds nothing to our greatness but rather profits us salvation.
Thankfulness to God should be a characteristics of every Christian, the church in its congregational and larger expression is a place where we basked in the shalom of our baptismal bond in the body of Christ. This spiritual bond is continually reiterated in the celebration of the Eucharist (thanksgiving). It is prominent to know that the “Eucharist” is indeed a memorial, which makes our sacramental offerings of Christ’s sacrifice present, it in this sacred celebration that the church offers acceptable praise to God the father.

The problems facing our world today are deeply rooted in lack of love and appreciation and in the words of Cicero, ingratitude blocks the way of virtue and this act of ingratitude with its concomitant manifest effects ranging from loss of caring spirit, greed, jealousy, betrayal, blackmail, cheating of neighbor, to various kinds of murder. But as Christians we are commanded to love, following the footsteps of our Jesus Christ the personification of love. Thus, cultivating an appreciative attitude is crucial to man’s life, this biblical junction clarify the above statement. “Thank the Lord for His steadfast love, for His wonderful deeds to mankind. He satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:8-9) this gives us inner peace and love is the summary of all commandments.

The prophet Nehemiah exemplified this act of gratitude by assembling two chores in order to give praise and show appreciation to God for His numerous blessings and favors. Acknowledging Him gives us inner peace and salvation because the real meaning of thanksgiving lies in our relationship with God, these act of reference begins when we acknowledge His faithfulness and love towards us, this singular act compels us to earnestly show appreciation and sign of gratitude to God.

The latin adage would always say, “quid quid bonum, quid quid honestrum, quid quid pulcherum laude dignum est”. this simply means, whatever that is good, whatever that is beautiful, whatever that is honest is indeed worthy of praise. It is prominent to show appreciation and sign of gratitude for every single favour we receive either from God or from our fellow neighbor.
a.      The sense of gratitude multiplies our blessings and peace.
b.      The act of gratitude fosters unity- because it is indeed refreshing and invigorating when people gather together in the celebration of a common purpose.
c.       It foster and sustains our Christian faith.
d.      It comfort and heals the soul.
e.      It reconciles our differences.
f.         It promotes peace and spiritual growth.

CONCLUSIVELY; In the words of Joseph Proudhon, who says, in all my recollections, I never fail to show appreciation to God for all His favors. It is prominent to show gratitude and appreciation for every singular favor rendered to us, for this particular act draws God’s blessings to us and thus fuels our prayers to God.                                  

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