Friday, 24 February 2017


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Let brotherly love abound

Statistical research has revealed that tribalism which is the ill will of self-reformation is  blowing in the life of many Nigerians and it is occasioned by the colossal of wrong orientations, false ideas, false conception of things, misplacement of values, lack of basic formation, absence of fundamental home training, ignorance, loss the sense of sin and distorted value syndrome. But William Hoard in his book “Thought of Achievement” (1998, P. 90), once opined that “very much of what we call progress of things today consist in getting rid of false ideas, false conception of things and in taking a point of view that enables us to see  the principles, ideas and things in right direction”. Thus, it makes reference to a positive psychological renewal which we may call self-reformation.
However, it is obvious that globalization has intensified competition not just among industries, markets, and investments, but among nations. It would be recalled that ethnicity was one of the factors that led to the collapse of the Nigerian First Republic. In a deliberate attempt to perpetuate colonial rule, the British, through the so-called ‘divide and rule’ tactics, promoted ethnic interests and consciousness above national interests. On the other hand, the leaders of the three main ethnic groups engaged in a cut-throat competition for the control of the Structural Frame and the system of rewards. Thus, both on the part of the British colonial administration and the Nigerian political leaders, no conscious or coordinated attempts were made at building a politically united Nigeria. Thus, the problems of disunity and ethnic chauvinism are as old as the country itself. Competition among the three major ethnic groups for the control of the system of rewards and the Structural Frame subjected the Nigerian democratic process to several stains and stress particularly between 1963 and 1965. This unfortunate reality staring us in the face is that we are unitedly divided and dividedly united. You can call it a forced marriage made possible by lord Lugard and his wife on Lugard’s love bed decades ago.

Trying to define self is like trying to bit one’s own teeth. However, according to Webster dictionary, an etymological approach presents self as one whole person, the total essential or particular being of a person. Philosophically, self is broadly seen as the essential qualities that makes a person distinct from all others.
Reformation on the other hand, can be defined as an improvement or an intended improvement in the existing form or condition of a person, institution or practices intended to make a stricken change for a better socio-economic, political or religious affair.
Also, Nucleus as one of our key terms here refers, to the nerve Centre of a cell. The core or central essential part around which other part gathered; that which is regarded as the basis for future development and growth. 
In Nigerian context, ethnicity or tribalism is defined as social phenomenon associated with the identity of members of a competing communal groups seeking to protect and advance their interest in a political system. The significant communal factors here may be language, culture, race, religion or common history. What is peculiar to ethnicity or tribalism is that “it involves demands by one group on other competing groups”. Chinua Achebe in his view describes ethnicity “as discrimination against a citizen because of his/her place of birth” (Achebe; 1997). 
In Nigeria today, tribalism has been elevated to dominate national discourse, controls how people think and talk, and determines what they oppose or support. It is promoted by the political elites, embraced by the young and the old, passed from generation to generation, and even has base in the constitution.
It is pertinent to adumbrate that self-reformation, implies the act of improving an individual and this is exhibited in the conduct and discourse of that individual. Therefore, the intention of another individual can only be inferred indirectly from something emanating from that individual. Hence, the particular characteristics of the self-determines itself.
A philosophical approach to knowledge of self crystallizes the intricacies associated with it. According to Lao Tzu in his book “Enlighted Spirituality”, knowing others is wisdom, knowing the self is enlightenment, mastering others requires force, mastering the self requires strength”. Man must have the knowledge of self for that is the only way to eradicate misery.
In the words of the great philosopher Socrates, an “unexamined life is not worth living”. Consequently, self-knowledge is a stepping stone towards self-reformation for a problem known is half solved. It implies that this act of improving behavior or morals by abandoning some vices requires some dependable knowledge of those vices for a personal heartfelt decision to avoid them.
Bringing it down to the issue at hand, tribalism has become a force that is more ascendant than nuclear bombs. The emergence of Boko Haram in our present day society is rooted in it. Militancy in the Niger Delta is informed by tribal sentiments, the same with the OPC and Bakassi. Tribalism nourishes terrorism. We don’t need to look far, that is the root
What is peculiar to ethnicity or tribalism is that “it involves demands by one group on other competing groups”. Chinua Achebe in his view describes ethnicity;
“as discrimination against a citizen because of his or birth place ” (Achebe; 1997). 
In Nigeria today, tribalism has been elevated to dominate national discourse, controls how people think and talk, and determines what they oppose or support. It is promoted by the political elites, embraced by the young and the old, passed from generation to generation, and even has base in the constitution.
Hitherto, having a good national unity that transcends election cycles and special interest, must regard capturing the core of the country and its peoples. This reformation of the personality from its underpinning self has to be carried out. Indeed a “sanatio et radice” (healing from the root). Hence, the methodology suitable for Nigerian’s unity is a personal and institutional reform to achieve the transformational repositioning of our national brand identity. This internal process will automatically reject the external process.
The effect of ignorance has really heighted the misconception and misconstrutrual of tribalism as simply on issues of words or paper works, it is far from that. An in-depth understanding of tribalism shows that the processes are deeply rooted within us and that some self-knowledge approaches must be employed in preventing tribalism. Thus, these strong pragmatic intricacy involved here guides the rationale and professionalism of this method with the ‘Self’ as the participating agent, executing all actions like the nucleus of the cell.
If the issue of Boko Haram insurgence must come to an end, if ethnic clashes must be eradicated from amongst us and if Nigeria must progress beyond what we see, we must deliberately toll the path of being our brothers’ keepers. Firstly, by realizing that we are brothers. That is if such realization will ever exist. We must move from this thwarted thought line of enthroning evil by our actions and inactions.
We all have a common destiny whether from the north, the south, the east or the west. Thus, the realization of the fact that we are all victims of economic imperialism and foreign vested interests should prompt and persuade us to educate ourselves by all means of the need for oneness of Nigeria, and realize that geography is no barrier to national cooperation and mutual understanding.
The quality of a nation is derived from the quality of the people that constitute that nation. A major part of our national identity is embedded in our diverse cultural heritage. We must conspicuously retrieve from our drowned cultural values. We should not allow imperialism to submerge our culture, for we stand to lose not just our moral fabrics that are married to our cultural heritage but our national identity that derives from it. Our youths upon whom our nation’s future rests, who have embarked on wild goose chase, crushing our collective identity in their lust for modernity and materialism must be redirected.
On the other hand, we must return to the root; the family circle. How do we raise our children? Do we forget that paradoxically “the child is the father of the man?” According to one of the American presidents Abraham Lincoln, he says and I quote “I don’t care who my grandfather was, I only care of who his grandson will become”. All these makes reference to an introspection into the past in order to lay a strong futuristic foundation in the present. Parents should ensure that the right track is shown to children, for a rebranded family builds up a rebranded nation.
However, leadership is a critical factor to be considered, our leaders must come to terms with essence of leadership. There is a land absence of social contract between government and the people as a result of the death of leaders who execute the business of governance without transparency and selflessness. We need true tested leaders for a renewed Nigeria, the self-reformation which would start from them.
The constant reference to tribal animosities and differences affects the youth’s psyche and has created a pattern or legacy of hate and suspicion which the successive generation carries like a mantle. Ethnic and religious intolerance has exposed the nation to bizarre conflict experiences with loss of lives and properties, creating uncertainties in the polity

Thus, every nation, quite like humans, have their perilous struggles and issues. As they peregrinate through their life cycle of unrealities and triumph, they must ensure they manage the nation’s image and sustain it by deploying ways to reinforce the acceptable identity. A country’s failure to strengthen its identity means that it will surely fall. This should be  the modus operandi of any political campaign, but it must surely begin from somewhere. Hence, charity they say begins from home, this home makes reference to nothing but self. From the crown of leadership down to the sole of the led needs reformation, a reformation that is self-made. When every citizen is reformed, our family identity will be reformed, our society will take a new life then our nation will then stand out as a united nation.

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