Tuesday, 1 November 2016
This letter was summarized by Louis Mario Ukaegbu and in it was full of the papal's thought in a clear terms.
Leo xiii in his encyclical titled’ Providentissimus Deus’ focused on the study
of the Holy Scripture. While addressing the universal church, the pope greeted
them saying, that the God of all providence who in His infinite mercy and love
have elevated the whole human race to the participation of the divine nature
and that He has bestowed upon man a splendid gifts of His divinity, wisdom, and
pope tries explaining this divine revelation in five (5) elements.
Firstly, that
the sacred scriptures are supernatural revelation and thus, they are both
contained in the written tradition and in written books. They are called sacred
and canonical because being written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost,
they have God as their author and thus, have being handed down to the church.
Secondly, that
these beliefs (faith) which we held and professed are God’s words which the
prophets first spoke by the words of mouth and then lastly by the apostles, all
these are composed in the canonical scripture.
Thirdly, for him
all these are God’s oracles and words.
according to his holiness, all these letters are heavenly written by God and
then transmitted by the sacred authors to human race.
Fifthly, this
branch of the sacred theology is concerned with the defense of sacred scriptures;
he proceeded by throwing more light on these divine books, saying that they are
excellent and is useful to the highest degree.
Leo xiii after his exhortation and encouragement on those who study the
scriptures and others books which contributes to the salvation of souls. The
holy father tries to express how he cherish and desire to give an impulse to
the study of the Holy scriptures and how the study of the sacred scripture can
be imparted in this modern age.
compelled us not only to desire it as a grand source of catholic revelation
because they are Holy scriptures and should be made accessible to the flock
Jesus Christ and it shouldn’t be defiled either by the interpreters or those
who openly assail the scripture.
pope encouraged those who defend the sacred scripture and made it easier for us
to access, he also in his exhortation express that he wish that the will be an
increase in the number of approved and preserving ministers in the cause of the
scripture and he also prayed that through the divine grace which the receive
through the sacrament of Holy orders, that they should remain diligent,
industrial to the reading, meditative mood and should docile while explaining
the sacred scripture.
inspiration, this is a peculiar and singular power of the Holy scripture arising from the inspiration of the Holy spirit, it gives
authority to the sacred orators and fills the with apostolic liberty of speech
and communicates force and power ‘s their eloquency. It is only through the power of the Holy spirit that they were able to write
and preach the word of God. He also warned some of the preachers who speak of
religions and the things of God by using science and human prudence thereby,
believing in themselves than in God, their discourses may be brilliant and fine
but it is infirm, because they are not with the fire of the utterance of God.
“For the word of
God is living and effectual and more piercing than any two edge sword, reaching
out to the division of the soul and the spirit”. For those who have the right
to speak regarding the sacred scripture should do so with eloquency. He also
acknowledged St Augustine for his work and for truly understanding the
assiduous use of the bible and how he meditate and devote his time on each
holiness extolled the works of the holy fathers concerning the sacred scripture
and the fruits it bears. This he said; it is an overflowing fountain of
salvation which has fertile pastures and beautiful gardens which the flock of
the Lord is marvelously refreshed and delighted. The pope made references to
the words of St Jerome in his epistle to Nepotin saying; often read the divine scriptures,
yea, let the holy readings be in your hands, study them for it is thou which
thy self must preach.
holiness encourages us, that in the docility of our heart, we should pay
attention to the doctrines with piety and innocence of the like of sacred
scripture because they are inspired by God is profitable to teach, to reprove ,
to correct, to instruct justice that man who is of God may be perfect,
furnished to every good work.
the sacred scripture, it is sacred and can nowhere be incorruptible .this is
divine and it is an infallible magisterium of the church, it is absolutely
forbidden to narrow inspiration to certain parts of the scripture only, or
admit that the sacred writers erred. Scriptures are called sacred and canonical
because they are written wholly and entirely with all parts at the dictation of
the Holy Spirit and it is so far possible that error can co-exist with
inspiration, inspiration is not only essentially incorruptible with error , God
being the supreme truth , cannot utter that which is not true. The council of
Trent and Vatican two confirmed these. The scripture is free from error, his
holiness talked about he so much cherish and honour, reverence the sacred
scripture called canonical because he firmly believe that the sacred writers
have not fallen into error .
analogy of faith should be followed and catholic doctrines, as authoritatively
proposed by the church, the scripture should be held as the supreme law, for
seeing that the same God is the author both of the sacred books and of the
doctrines committed to the church.
The church holds
them as sacred and canonical, not because, having being composed by human
efforts, they were afterwards approved by her authority; nor because they
contain revelations without error but because, being written under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author.
is the watchful care of the church which shines forth conspicuously , by
admirable laws and regulations, the church has always shown solicitously that
the celestial treasure of the sacred books are so bountifully bestowed upons
man by the Holy Spirit therefore the sacred books has God as its author.
scripture is a divine mystery and for one to have a fuller knowledge of the
scripture, a fuller knowledge of the
five elements should be taught. The pope addressed his theologians saying;
scriptures which are sacred writings are rapt in certain religious obscurity
and that no one can interior without a guide and they should understand that
God has delivered the Holy scripture to the church, in reading and making use
of His word , the must follow the footsteps of the church as their guide and
teacher .
one to interpret the scripture it must be related to the things of faith and
morals because it aids the building up of Christian doctrines. It is only the
Holy mother church that has the authority to judge in true sense and interpret
rejects unanimous agreement of the church fathers.
first and dearest aim of the catholic commentators should be to interpret some
of the passages which have reached an authentic interpretation either by the
sacred writers themselves, this can be achieve under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit or from the church which is under the assistance of the same Holy
spirit , this can be achieved either through her ordinary or universal
scriptures are not like other books, which contains things of deepest
importance which in many instances they are obscure and difficult. To
understand and explain such this requires the Holy Spirit, that is to say: His
light, grace and mercy. To interpret the scripture the holy father encourage us
to follow the examples laid down by the church fathers, we should endeavour to
acquire the understanding of the holy scripture not by our own lights and ideas,
but from the writings and authority of the ancients, who in their turn, as we
know, received the rule of interpretation in direct line from the apostle.
up these, the Holy Father in his encyclical instructed the theologians and
commentators saying, that by the help of God, let what we laid down in this
letter aid you to be loyal in holding all the things of God who is the creator,
ruler and the author of the scripture. By doing so, nothing can be proved
either by physical science or archaeology which can really contradict the
For scholars, in
order for them to prove the advantageous cause of the bible, they should remain
steadfast to the laid down principles and even if some of the passages are not
clearly written. Judicious Theologians and commentators should be consulted
because truth cannot contradict truth and as time goes on the mistaken views
dies off and disappear but truth remainth and grows stronger forever and ever.
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This gave a full summary, thank you Louis,found it helpful
ReplyDeleteyeah thank you bro, i